HSNE (Health, Safety & Environment)
Mermaid is committed towards Preservation of Nature & Natural Resources. Safety of our Employee Co-workers is of utmost importance to us. To uphold our ethical values & integrity, Gallery Mermaid has devised various in house policies that the company follows with reference to EHS and Waste Management.
Some of the policies are listed below:
It is the duty of Mermaid Digital Pvt Ltd to:
Prepare and when appropriate, revise a written statement of its general policy with respect to the health and safety of its employees at work. It is the responsibility of the organization to bring any revision of the policy to the notice of all our employees. Carry out its responsibility in such a way that persons not in its employment who may be affected thereby are not exposed to risk their health or safety.
It is the duty of each employee to ensure that:
- Any plant or substance in the premises is safe and without risk to health & safety to other persons present
- To design, manufacture, import or supply any article for use at work
- To ensure that the article so designed and constructed are safe and without risk to health when properly used
- To take such steps that are necessary to ensure that there is adequate information available about any conditions necessary to ensure safety at work environment.